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/ Last Night in Soho, the right Vfx way

/ Blog jordal /Vfx

Personal blog by jordal. Vfx, films, animation, art and tech.

/ Last Night in Soho, the right Vfx way

Jorge Vidal


This amazing movie is what Vfx should be:

  1. effective (feel as real)

  2. invisible (you don’t know they are)

  3. and creative (looks brand new).

As the movie is: a very creative and immersive experience. Actors are absolute great (unmissable Thomasin as scaried girl), photography is wonderful (“Old Boy” cinematographer), music, camera movements, choreography,… wooow.

Edgar Wright is a very creative director. The best is the way he plays with film genres and how he turns them into something new. I really enjoy all his films. Soho is a mix of Nightmare on Elm Street + Lynch + Back to the Future + Zombies + The Frighteners, and probably much more references than I know, but the great thing is that looks like something new, probably because his choreography and musical editing (as he demostrates on “Baby Driver”).

Here is a great link explaining DNG Vfx.

And here Edgar Wright breakdowns some sequences.

Great job people.

Thanks so much for create this.