Instructions for a new life
Long Feature directed by Jordal le fou
/ Instructions for a New Life
/ A long feature directed by Jordal le fou
Runtime: 90 minutes
Date: 2008
MPAA: General Audiences
Genre: Indie, Comedy, Drama, Social
Format: Digital video
Original languaje: Spanish
Subtitles: English, Portuguese, Spanish
Teaser Instrucciones para una Nueva Vida
/ Synopsis
Seymour, an about-to-retire porn movies dubbing specialist, decides to set out to a farm to start a new life. In doing so, he publishes an ad in the newspaper requesting volunteers to work in the farm, posing the question “Do you wanna change your life?
“I was dubbing John Wayne when you were still jerking off to Jane Fonda.”
/ About the film
As director I co-wrote and shoot "Instructions for a New Life", a low budget long feature , screened at Spain, Chile, Italy, Cuba, Argentina and Brasil Festivals and showed on cable Tv at USA and CANADA.
Main actors: Francisco Vidal , Fernanda Mistral, Inés Castaño and Rubén Árias.
Original music from: Watch Tv and Luis Antonio Muñóz.
You can find all the info at the press area.
/ Cast
Francisco Vidal ....……………………………. Seymour
Fernanda Mistral …………………………………..... July
Inés Castaño.……………………………………..... Marta
Rubén Árias.………………………………………..... Antón
/ Crew
Direction .……………….……………..... Jordal le Fou
Script .……………………….... Jordal & Héctor Caño
Photography …………………….…… Miguel Tejerina
Art …………………………………….……………………. Ángela
Edition ………………………………….……..…. Jose Fontes
Sound …………………………………..………... Iru & David
Sound Design.…………………………...... Ramón Rico
Production … Carla Arrieta & Cristina Ramírez
/ Film Festivals
/ B.S.O.
Based on a music proposal from Luis, we conceived the movie music as two clearly differentiated blocks. On the one hand, the Watchtv and the Primetimes’s electronic music represent the cosmopolitan rhythm of the first part and reinforce the city characters’ evading feeling. Luis A. Muñoz’s piano, accordion and strings compositions provide a more classical approach, giving sense to the rural location where the second part of the movie takes place.
Luis Antonio Muñoz, piano
Celia Mateos Haro, violin 1
Mercedes dalda, violin 2
Adam Hunter, cello
Jacinto Martínez, acordeón
Hugo Enrique, voz (tango)
This film was produced by Solomiren and registred at Egeda.
Suitable for All Audiences. Spain Legal Depository : M-6061-2008 .
Músic © WatchTv (HiTop Records) and Luis A. Muñoz.
All rights reserved.