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# Blender # Nuke # Fusion # Tips&Tricks

This section provides some tips for using Blender and Nuke software by jordal

Filtering by Tag: lock to cam

/ Lock Grease Pencil to Cam (Blender tip)

Jorge Vidal

Some times you need your drawings to be ALWAYS locked over the top of your layers. One way to do this is linking the Grease Pencil to your Cam using an object constrain.


How ?

Use any Cam. ( Preferible Add Camera Rig from this addon here )

  1. Create a Grease Pencil.

  2. Add an Object Constrain: Copy Transforms

  3. Target: your Cam

  4. Set: Before Original (and reposition your Grease Pencil in frame if you need for fix offset).

  5. Now you can draw in camera view. GP will follow any mov.



It is useful for loops, walking cycles and background pans (traditional animation way).

This way your Grease Pencil Object is always in the same local space. You will get all the drawings like in a cell pivot.

You don´t need to animate your GP Object. because it always follows the camera (again the walking cycle).

And you can use the Camera Motion Blur.

Bonus Tip:

Check “In Front” on your Grease Pencil Viewport Display (Object Properties) and no worry overlaping elements.