/ Welcome Rocky Linux
Jorge Vidal
Rocky linux looks like best Vfx Os replacement for Centos
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Welcome to my website. I'm Vfx Artist from Madrid. I also do drawings and films. Feel free to contact.
This section provides some tips for using Blender and Nuke software by jordal
Rocky linux looks like best Vfx Os replacement for Centos
Read MoreUseful tips and improvements regarding DaVinci and Fusion for Nuke users and curious people.
Read MoreThe open source beta version of xSTUDIO is available now at https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/xstudio.
For more information about the application’s features and capabilities please visit www.dneg.com/xstudio/.
To get involved in the xSTUDIO project, visit http://openreviewinitiative.org/.
Here you can find some interesting add ons developed at this french Animation Studio Les Fées Spéciales.
I notice them watching Amélie presentation at the Blender Conference 2022.
You can find the sources here:
This is a list of some of the most interesting add ons an a quick review. Will keep updating while testing them.
A color palette for quick pick up materials
A multiplane cam creator (2d GP layers)
Another strong recommendation is the Spa Animation Studios blender extension, which is an optimized fork for drawing in a more natural way, plus some extra additions for storyboarding.
Blender SPA Documentation: https://the-spa-studios.github.io/ble...
SPA Github: https://github.com/The-SPA-Studios
Last ones is a tip from Cloud Blender about how to animate in TWOS.
The easy way is showed in this video, just adding an Stepped Modifier to your curves.
Texture Tools (free). For UWrap like 3dMax, by Hendrik-Jan Schoenmaker.
Also on this web you will have complete documentation. Very complete toolset.
Super-,Anti, Anti Bundle. Very useful add for work faster tilt.
blendermarket texture-tools (18$ aprox)
Node Wrangler (free).
Essential and free of chargue.
Main shorcuts:
Alt-S swap links
Shift-Ctrl-LMB Preview Node
Ctrl-T Add Texture Setup
Ctrl-Shift-T Add Texture Setup from Folder (PBR selected and all pass)
Alt-RMB-arrastrar Connect Nodes
BPainter. It helps to work materials and textures as layers. Basic, but useful. You get much more control on paint brushes and texturing.
blendermarket bpainter (40$ aprox) .
Update: don´t work in Blender 4, maybe in standby, but you can keep working textures in previous versions and export using same uvs.
Download material.
Select ALL archives and rename them all at once (hotkey is “F2”) using “automatic numbers”.
This is not necesary but this way you can check that all your desired downloads are unzipped “following an order” which is useful when you have different named folders and can lost the track easy.
Open console (RIGHT CLICK “Open in Terminal”) and type :
unzip “*.zip”
Ardour for Sound, is an alternative to Adobe Audition, Nuendo or similar.
Shutter Encoder for compress video.
Natron as a basic Nuke, without 3d env.
VSDC Free Video Editor kind of After Effects, but still not for Linux.
Mr viewer instead RV, or DJV
DaVinci/Fusion has free basic versions.
Nuke for Non-Commercial HD work.
Glimp for photo, as an alternative to Photoshop. Also Krita as an alternative to Painter.
Inkscape as vector drawing, or Adobe Illustrator alternative.
DarkTable or RawTherapy instead of LightRoom, also Digicam
Scribus: Alternative to Adobe Indesign
OpenToonz for traditional animation.
Wick as a simple Flash, also Synfig: Alternative to Adobe Animate/Flash
Libre Office, alternate text editor + pdf
Calibre, keep your library in order.
Of course you know it: Blender
VirtualBox for emulate another OS, including MacOs or Windows.
I recommend this tips but you can go to step 2 for shorter version:
I use to install the Nuke App outside my main local disk.
This way I get a faster and better gestion on upgrading every three months and save more space.
So, in my Workstation I download the .tgz compress app in my SSD (named SDT01)
and this will be my Nuke folder:
If you don’t wanna do the same, just keep in mind the path you have on installing nuke.
Then I get this path line (/run/media/user/SDT01/00_Apps_Backup/02_Nukes/Nuke13.0v2/Nuke13.0)
into my .bashrc script (located in my home folder) here:
and write down as it drives my Nuke directory:
alias n='/run/media/user/SDT01/00_Apps_Backup/02_Nukes/Nuke13.0v2/Nuke13.0 --NukeX -nc'
Creating this alias I can launch nuke just writing “n” on my console.
This is just useful and faster, and you can create your own alias, as “patata” or “sugarbaby” instead “n”
NOTE: For watching on graphical mode the .bashrc script, use COMAND + H, because is hidden by default.
The launch comands provide you different calls to Nuke and the way you wanna launch the application.
Also you can use it for launching Hiero, Nuke, Nuke X, etc.
I’m using Nuke X in non commercial mode (—NukeX -nc)
Go to the foundry for specific launch comands, or just remove -nc at the end.
Now, I’m ready to create my .desktop launcher.
The .desktop launcher will be another script you need to create as root into this folder:
This way you are creating a link to the app using a desktop icon as windows or Mac.
(Also works in any directory, so keet it in mind, you need to mark it as TRUST and Allow executing file as program )
The right way to write the file is:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Nuke desktop shortcut
Exec="/run/media/user/SDT01/00_Apps_Backup/02_Nukes/Nuke13.0v2/Nuke13.0" --NukeX -nc %F
As you can see, I’m writing my path on the Exec line.
Write your OWN real path, and name correctly your Nuke version. On updating Nuke you must to do it recursively.
(Remove -nc if you have license and don’t forget the %F at the end.)
Ok, now log out, this way you will get the changes on your App launcher.
NOTE: This .desktop file can be also created at ~/.local/share/applications in case you have differente users.
Take in mind that on launching the .desktop as root, you will be root user using Nuke. It is preferible to run it as another (non root) user, with non-Administrative privileges.
The .desktop file also can be pasted on your Desktop, this way you can grab your script to the icon and Nuke will open it.
As you can see, it works at any place. But because it is executable file you must take care of the permissions.
Last step is go to your graphical and click one .nk script + right mouse button and select Open with Other Application.
If your Nuke.desktop is right you can find Nuke in the list and select as default launcher for .nk files.
Easy!!! Now every time you double click on .nk will open the app.
Some times, the .nk file is not recognizable by Centos, then you must edit the mine list.
The mine list is which tell Centos that Nuke run .nk files.
Your .desktop file will work without the mine list, but is better to have it setted.
Here you can find the right way, at The Foundry. I’ve screenshot the main instructions.
Of course, you can use this tip on any application, as Blender.desktop.
Manage your apps in external drives, much more easy to update.
In opposition they can made your workstation more vulnerable, but you can solve it adjusting privileges.
If you are interested in development for CG and VFX take a long view.
And here, a complete list of Open Source for Pipeline.
• Prism-pipeline: https://prism-pipeline.com/
Project Manager:
• Kitsu / CGWire: https://www.cg-wire.com/
Render Farm:
• Afanasy: https://cgru.info/
• OpenCue: https://www.opencue.io/
• Crowdrender: https://www.crowd-render.com/
• Polargrid: https://polargrid.space/
The VFX Reference Platform is a set of tool and library versions to be used as a common target platform for building software for the VFX industry.
(updated September 2022)
If you use automatic partitions on installing Linux Centos you get annoying messages soon about being full on /root .
On my workstation it was set around 50 Gb.
df / -h
/dev/mapper/cl-root 50G 28G 23G 55% /
Sooner or later you would need to search a way to resize your /root which is irritating.
So I wanna share a small TIP. This way you wouldnt need to resize anything.
First of all you must look as superuser whose are the main folders you use to get full recursively:
du -h --max-depth=1
If you prefer a graphic way use as user:
This way you can see graphically which are the most heavy folders that need to be cleened up.
Usually you will notice some folders whose are recursively filled by data and you need to recursively empty from time to time.
The global temporary directories are /tmp and /var/tmp
I use to play a comand for empty this files
rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*
rm -rf ~/tmp/*
But again an againg you lost your time removing trash so, what Ive done is very simple:
This is useful but just for temporal or shared folders, caches, etc. ; not a great idea for important root folders as it can do some damage or vulnerability to the system (you will see on rebboting).
I just use it when some apps download their cache data to root partition instead of my default user; this use to happen on installing as root or by managing preferences in a bad way.
A good example: Firefox downloads and Firefox cache. You can set up your download directory in preferences,
but there is also a caché folder which goes to /tmp/mozilla_user0 so I use my tip on this one also. When I dowload a lot of data I don’t want to full my root drive.
So now we go to a very simple tip:
Look for your /tmp folder from your root partition.
Copy that tmp folder at your /Documents or any place you prefer, or create one from scratch.
Create a “tmp” folder alias (dynamic link in linux) and place it where root use to have the original folder.
You will need first to delete the original one in /.
As simple as it is: you are linking the data to other drive area.
Finally manage permissions by chmod 775 or whatever you need.
chmod 775 /home/user/Documents/temporalRoot/tmp
Generally there is some confusion about permissions, so you need to know:
There is a root folder (generally /tmp, which belongs to root)
There are other user folders (inside /tmp we can have user folders)
For example in case of Firefox, it will be the user folder, as it is user who has the right permissions (can write and delete, etc).
d rwx --- --- 2 user user mozilla_user0
In case of nuke folder should be similar: but due to license, nuke can be owner by user or root, so maybe you are running the app as user, but the real owner is root.
When you run Nuke on first time, cache derivates to root device so usually this goes to /var/tmp/nuke-u100 so, any time you reinstall a new version you need to check that folder.
Very often this folder gets full and freezes your system while your /home user folder keeps being full of space.
I have a dynamic link on my root partition, so the temporal data goes to my home.
Now my root partition use to get enough space and I can empty my temporal folders as non root user.
In case Nuke crashes or you would get an update, your cache won’t fill your /root partition if you forget to set up the preferences, because it will always search this folder.
I setup my permisses on this nuke-u1000 for my Owner User Create and delete, Group User can Access files and Others can also Acces files. This way just Nuke User and Root can write on this folder. As general rule Nuke use to be instaled as User.
You can check your nuke default cache location in your preferences.
Nuke default cache location
Linux and macOS:
where {uid} is the users user ID on the machine, e.g. /var/tmp/nuke-u1737/
And here a reminder about permissions:
rwx = 111 in binary = 7
rw- = 110 in binary = 6
r-x = 101 in binary = 5
r-- = 100 in binary = 4
As additional tip you can also remove all older kernels.
Centos keeps updating all the time, so at the end of the year you have lots of updates filling space. A way to clean them up is typing the next commands:
# list actual kernel uname -a # list older kernels rpm -q kernel # list more detailed dnf list installed kernel # remove all except latest 1 package-cleanup --oldkernels --count=1 # remove kernel version manually sudo dnf remove kernel-5.14.0-70.13.1.el9
# automatic remove (Rocky)
sudo dnf install dnf-automatic
Use any Cam. ( Preferible Add Camera Rig from this addon here )
Create a Grease Pencil.
Add an Object Constrain: Copy Transforms
Target: your Cam
Set: Before Original (and reposition your Grease Pencil in frame if you need for fix offset).
Now you can draw in camera view. GP will follow any mov.
It is useful for loops, walking cycles and background pans (traditional animation way).
This way your Grease Pencil Object is always in the same local space. You will get all the drawings like in a cell pivot.
You don´t need to animate your GP Object. because it always follows the camera (again the walking cycle).
And you can use the Camera Motion Blur.
Check “In Front” on your Grease Pencil Viewport Display (Object Properties) and no worry overlaping elements.